Wednesday, May 4, 2011

R&R in La Rochelle

Aside from getting to a new destination is seeing the sites not mentioned in the tourist map you get from the tourist office.  There are many things about Poitiers like the flowers, shops and random carnivals that are just as exciting as the cathedrals and historical monuments.  While in La Rochelle I found a few sites that reminded me of home and some that reminded me that I was no longer in Kansas.
Take the graffiti on the side of this building.  It reminds me of many American highway underpasses but because it’s in French I have no idea what it says.  I might not want to know what it says!  But it has a koopa on it so it reminds me of my friend Skip and it made me smile.

There were two things in La Rochelle that reminded me of Bram.  The first was this lighthouse.  For as long as I can remember my Bram has loved lighthouses so now anytime I see one it makes me think of her.  She also had one of these Russian toys at her house.  I’m not sure where she got it but just seeing it on the street jogged my memory and made me think of her.

My oldest brother, Kevin, and I have always shared a love of cats.  I know he would have loved one of these statues and if the guy hadn’t wanted my first born son for it I would have loved to have brought him home one.  These are so cute and neat because they are made out of sand!

This monument made me think of my aunt Wanda who always has a good book in hand.   The sculpture represents all the different emotions you go through when you read a book. (click on picture to see it bigger)

I’m a lover of semi-precious gemstones, especially laborite, and fossils so when I see them I have to take a picture.

What can I say?  When I see clothing I think of my mom and Maxine.  This dress is perfect for my mom!  The colors and the cut are perfect. 

There was an ally way full of cute shops so I took a moment for a photo that made me think a lot about my sister Kate.  I can’t wait to get home and start planning!

These two pictures I had to take because they were just interesting.  The first one is of a small little island that looks like a puzzle piece.  The other was a really cool looking apartment building.  I would love to live there.  That way when someone asks me where I lived I could say “In-between the green and yellow strip up top”. 

There is a common joke in my family.  When I get lost, which is more often then I like to admit, I call for directions.  Sometimes when they will ask “What are you at the corner of?” it reminds me of a joke my brother, Richard, told me where the person lost responded “At the corner of walk and don’t walk.”  I got lost in La Rochelle and I looked up to find the street names so I could match them with my map.  I was at the corner of Rue Reaumur and …. WHAT IN THE WORLD?  

I live by the beach back home so when I heard that La Rochelle had a beach I was excited.  My plans where to go sit by the beach and eat lunch, which I did.  But this beach was more like an inlet then a real beach.  The waves where non-existent.  This, in hindsight, might have been a good thing.  It helped me resist the eager to run fully clothed into the water!  I did put my feet in.  The water was ice cold but I didn’t care.  It was the beach.

My name is Arial and I’m an addict, to chocolate.  All the women in my family adore that dark, milk or white creamy goodness of the coco plant and France has a variety to choose from.  But no matter how hard France tries they can’t beat my aunt J-oy’s cake creations!  They just don’t make icing like my aunt J-oy makes icing! 




I’m not sure why but I have a sudden bug for flowers.  It could be the spring time or the girlyness coming out of me or maybe it’s because I miss my Mom and Maw-Maw’s gardens.  My Maw-Maw is a wonderful gardener.  She’s always tending to her plants and my Mom followed in her footsteps.  Me, on the other hand, I planted a rock garden.  Yesterday, three died.




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